White marble sculpture: Child Bacchus, two fauns and a panther

White marble sculpture representing Bacchus as a child, accompanied by two fauns and a panther.
Work from the second half of the 19th century.

2 800 €

Data sheet

Height12.2 in. (14.8 with base)
Width8.9 in. (10.2 with base)
Depth7.5 in. (9.1 with base)

More info

Very beautiful group in white marble representing Bacchus as a child: he is riding a panther which spans a young faun shouting and a basket of grapes, while the other faun, smiling, supports Bacchus drunk.
Very good quality of sculpture, very fine and with many openings.
The set rests on a pretty rectangular counter-base, with cut sides and carved with a groove: 10.2 in. wide, 9.1 in. deep and 2.6 in. high.
In very good condition: a faun's fingertip is missing and one of the bells on the panther's collar is missing.
Period: second half of the 19th century.

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