Rare books & fine art, 7 - 9 april 2017 at the Grand Palais, Paris

Posted By: Robin Havas In: Events On: vendredi, mars 31, 2017 Comment: 0 Hit: 7235

International rare books and fine art fair, from 7th to 9th of April 2017 at the Grand Palais, in Paris.

Busy schedule : one week after the European Crafts Days 2017, we will be present at the International rare books and fine art fair, which will take place from 7 to 9 April 2017 at the Grand Palais in Paris.

Internationa rare books & fine art fair

First edition of the name, new evolution of the International Book Fair, this event is co-organized by SLAM (National Syndicat of Ancient et Modern Bookstore) and by CNES (National Chamber of Specialized Experts in Fine Art and collection).

Come and visit the exhibitions of ancient books and art objects, discover the animations and listen to the concerts that will take place under the grand nave of the Grand Palais, avenue Winston Churchill 75008 Paris (subway Champs Elysées - Clémenceau).

This association between rare books and art objects seems quite justified in view of the transversal evolution of the collections: it is less and less common to meet "purist" collectors of one or the other!
Indeed, more and more links are created between world of rare books and world of fine art objects, each enriching itself with the experiences and the knowledge of the other.

Program from 7th to 9th of April 2017 at the Grand Palais in Paris.

Among the 140 booksellers, 10 printshops and 50 experts and fine art sellers, come and see the special guest institution : the Franco-American museum set in Blérancourt.

Meet us in company of 2 colleagues on stall # L7 K8.
Some 2 people invitations are still available in our stores Place Saint Martin and Rue Ecuyère...

More information on the websites www.salondulivrerare.paris/en (rare books) or www.salon-expertscnes.fr (fine art)


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