The myth Gouthière, between exhibition and study

Posted By: Robin Havas In: Events On: jeudi, juin 8, 2017 Comment: 0 Hit: 8089

Visit the exhibition "Or virtuoso at the court of France - Pierre Gouthière 1732-1813" 

The exhibition "Or virtuoso at the court of France - Pierre Gouthière 1732-1813" presents the work of one of the greatest artisans of the 18th century, at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris.

The 104 objects chosen by the Museum of Decorative Arts in collaboration with the Frick Collection of New York come from various museums and private collections.

Setting the work of Gouthière into perspective with that of its competitors, this magnificent exhibition of gilded bronzes is completed by 85 drawings and prints.

2 oeuvres de Pierre Gouthière

The enormous research carried out by the curators upstream of this exhibition provides an opportunity to learn about the work and career of this remarkable bronze sculptor, his illustrious sponsors, and also some mistaken assignments.

Détail d'une girandole de Pierre Gouthière


Gilded bronzes, the quintessence of luxury at the end of the 18th century, are one of the least studied subjects of the decorative arts.

Although it is very difficult to exert his eye on these "pieces of goldsmithery" this exhibition allows to observe and understand this art, pushed to perfection by Gouthiere.

Exhibition from 16 March to 25 June 2017, at the Museum of Decorative Arts, 107 rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris.
Open hours Tuesdays to Sundays, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., closed on Mondays. Reservation and more information on the site:

Gilded andirons by Pierre Gouthiere


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